layout: post title: Sci-Fi Simulation date: 2013-11-12 12:00:00 +0100 summary: Sci-Fi Simulation categories: keywords: scifi, simulation tags:

  • scifi
  • simulation

Simulation and Sci-Fi

In the previous post I talked about my fantasy games, today I am to discuss my other long running project wich is my other passion Sci-Fi and simulation games. Ever since I read books from Isaac Asimov I was haunted by the idea of looking at the gaming field at a wider perspective both in scale and in time. This idea lead me to the following evolution of programs.


Stars are one of those projects that started of as a great idea, but soon runned into considerable issues with my inexperience. The original goal of the game was to figure out a set of rules that influences a species to colonize new planets, and try to fully populate their cluster system.


Unfortunatly both the rules, and the general concept of the code was done over the course of an afternoon and that showed not long after. Regardless the idea got stuck in my head and never really left for long ever since.


Galaxy is my current concept for this simulation idea, for the last few weeks I tried to fix up as many technical problems with it I was able to, and i can say im pretty happy with how it looks now. Currently the simulation runs flawlessly, all that left to do is writing the AI responsible for developing and colonizing planets. That will be the complicated part since I need to figure out how to classify the planets, what rules to write for advencing from planet to planet and obviously, I need to think about how to make sure a civilization start decaying after a while.

Once thats done all that remains is to implement some sort of user GUI so the player can influence the events of the universe, or just lay back down and watch his species spread out into the galaxy to meet their faith.

![Galaxy SimulatorAlpha Version](


In the next few weeks I’ll be trying to run some sort of development diary for my semester project at the university. In the mean time I’ll try and get some time away from my studies to continue working on both Mistery Dungeon, and Galaxy.