Happy new year everyone!

I spent most of the last few days working on finishing up Mistery Dungeon before new years eve, and here it is.

Mistery Dungeon

I wrote about the game in general at an earlier post. Today I’ll talk more about the game mechanics and will write about the issues I runned into while developping in a post tomorow.


In the game your hero is dropped into an endless tower of monsters, at every floor you have to defeat a group of enemies. Wich in turn will grant you experience that you can use to upgrade your status. Every 7th level you recive a new weapon with increased damage. Every time you play, you character gets three random skill that you cant change until you quit or loose the game.


The idea for a game wher you run around in a confined place for one to two hours comes from the only MMORPG I ever played. It had a mode where you could go to a dungeon for two hours to fight monsters way below your level so at the last ten minutes you could actually get experience. For a long while this was the only way to level your character. This game mode brought me the idea to derail my large randomly generated fantasy rpg like the one in Game of Dragons back to a smaller world.


What problems appeared during the development, and what the project thought me about programming I’ll discuss in a post tomorow, or the day after.

As per usuall if you like what you see, tell your friends, leave a comment, subscribe and follow me on the respective social media that is Youtube and @freamcoding.